Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thankful for the Word (Jesus)!

Happy Thanksgiving day to you all! I pray that you are right where you need to be and are enjoying this awesome holiday! This is a special post as you can guess, since I normally post on Mondays. But I felt compelled to post about being thankful for the Word. We celebrate this season of thanks for all but a few days, even though we say "season". Honestly, we should be thankful every single day we are alive. I read somewhere that "One of the greatest expressions of thankfulness is knowing and experiencing the power of the Word of God in our lives". Think about that for a moment.

You see the above list of some things we can be thankful for everyday such as, our health, home, family, friends, food, jobs, etc. But none of these things are of much value when it comes to the Word of God. Have you had a moment to think about the power of the Word of God? This could be a long post on this subject. But for the sake of time I'll be brief. You see, we should be thankful for the promises God made us through His Word. We should be thankful that God will never break His promise. We should be thankful that here in the USA we do not have to hide our faith in God and Jesus. We can freely read the Bible, praise and worship God and not feel threaten at all. We should be thankful that our lives are transformed through the Word. We should be thankful for the truth-standing of the Word of God that says everything we need is in God through Christ Jesus.

The Word of God has the power to transform our minds and align it with the heart of God. I encourage you to get into His word and find out for yourself, if you haven't already. 

Finally, be thankful, there is power in the Word of God (Jesus)! I thank God for Jesus!


Monday, November 25, 2019

Oh, Give Thanks!!

Happy Monday everyone! It's a great day to be thankful! Psalms 136:26 says "Oh, give thanks to the God of heaven! For His mercy endures forever." Let us give thanks to God for His daily dose of mercy that never ends. What does it mean to give mercy? It means to not react with revenge, punishment or vengeance. God continuously extends His mercy to us because that is just the kind of God He is. One of love and compassion for His children. Children who has the ability to mess up here and there in many different ways. He knows that and so He chooses to not hold it against us. He is the God of mercy! For His mercy endures forever!

We should also give thanks to God for simply being who He is! He is everything we need to get through life here on earth. Give thanks to God for the blood sacrifice of His Son, Christ Jesus. Give thanks to God for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Give thanks to God for His promises. Thank God for healing, for restoration, for transformation, for financial blessings, for strength, for peace, and for His inexpressible joy! Oh give thanks to the God of heaven!

Have a magnificent Monday and an amazingly blessed week!

One Love,


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Enjoy the inspiration from the poems of Expressions of the Soul, self-published by me, Valerie Champion. Your support is greater appreciated. I love you! 

Monday, November 18, 2019

Consistent in the Wrong Thing

Happy Monday to you all!!

Someone drove the word "consistent" in my brain. Though it was not even the subject of the conversation, it resonated with me. I thought to myself, "I am a consistent individual". Then I thought, really? What are you consistent in doing? So, I decided to write them down. As I was writing, I told myself to be honest.

Honesty is the only way you can acknowledge an area of interest and make a change. It doesn't matter what area of life you are inconsistent, be real with yourself. To tell you just how real I was, I made of list of 10 positive/productive and 10 negative/unproductive things I felt I did on a consistent basis. I was truly ashamed of myself. It turns out that I was being consistent in more of the wrong things than things that are pleasing to God. CHANGE was NEEDED!

Now I understand what the scripture means when it says, "You cannot drink from the cup of the Lord and from the cup of demons, too. You cannot eat at the Lord’s Table and at the table of demons, too." - 1 Corinthians 10:21 NLT

What about you? What are you consistent in doing? Make a list and find out if they are more of the right or wrong things.

I pray that you all have a fantastic new week!!  Peace & Love!

One Love,
