Monday, December 30, 2019

Psalm 1 Declarations

Greetings Saints! It's a good day to declare some things. I thought Psalms 1 would be a great place to start. Let's declare a thing y'all!

Repeat as often as you like until it's in your soul.

I declare I will not heed the advice of the wicked and those who sin against God.

I declare I will delight in and meditate on the law of the Lord night and day. For His laws are trustworthy.

I declare I will be like a tree planted by the river banks bearing fruit each season. Nothing I do will be wasted but I will prosper in everything I do.

I declare I am not like the wicked, who are like worthless chaff that is scattered by the wind and who will be condemned at the time of judgment.

I declare that I am counted righteous by the blood of Christ Jesus, my Lord and Savior.

I declare these things in the name of Christ Jesus!

Now go have yourself an amazing day & week!

Mama Goose

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