Thursday, October 10, 2019

Half Obedience is Disobedience

Hello everyone, it's a great day to be obedient! LOL I just had to share this one with you all.

Do you recall growing up that your parents asked you to do something and you almost finished it? Like clean your room and you throw all of the trash under the bed just so you can go outside. Maybe I am the only one who half did what was asked of me by my parents. Okay, not all of the times but there were some.

Well, some of us are that way with God. When the Holy Spirit gives us a word of instructions from God, we may hear all of what was said or some of what God instructed. Oh but don't think for a moment that we are along in this. King Saul was instructed to kill all of the Amalekites; not one was to remain alive. This was a promise God made to Moses because of the way the Amalekites treated the children of Israel. However we see in 1 Samuel 15, when the time came Saul only half obeyed the word of God. He allowed King Agag to live and his men brought back plunder. As a result, God rejected the very man He made king. Saul thought he had done what he was instructed to do, but half obedience is disobedience in God's eye. In the same chapter, we see what Samuel said to Saul. "Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams." (Verse 22)

This past weekend I realized that I half way obeyed what God had asked of me. Earlier this year while fasting, the Holy Spirit told me to cancel all of my traveling plans. I assumed only those that I had for myself. Unbeknownst to me, God meant all of them. As my luck would have it, my grandson and nephew missed their first cruise. I truly believe everything happens for a reason and this trip should have been canceled as well. B.U.T. (but understand this), even though I was disobedience, God still answered my prayers. They were still able to have an awesome time. I repented for my sin of disobedience and the favor of God showed up! Lesson learned is never assume you know or understand what God is asking you to do. Always confirm with Him first. His plans or thoughts are way beyond ours!

Now, go be obedient to the word of God! Have an awesome day!!

One Love,


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1 comment:

  1. Ooooo-weee...this one hit home for me because I've certainly been guilty of half-hearing instructions or doing only the parts that I like. This is a great reminder to carry the instructions out to the letter.
